"The Artist Diet" was a personal project that visualizes the rituals and routines of famous artists and their eating habits.
I’ve always been interested in the stories and the process behind art. The idea for this project started when I was reading about David Lynch’s strict ritual of dining at Bob’s Big Boy at precisely 2:30pm (the only time when the milkshake is just the right consistency) and how he would drink 5, 6, 7 cups of coffee with lots and lots of sugar. He described himself as “heavily into sugar” and the sugar/caffeine combination fueled his creativity while he scribbled ideas on napkins. He credited so much of this ritual to his success. So I started researching other artists with rituals surrounding food.
Each image represents the artist’s food ritual, as well as the setting they worked in, other rituals surrounding the food, and details that directly reference facts about their life. The message in each one is just as unique as the food ritual. Sometimes it was about getting themselves in the right mindset to start working, some believed it to be the source of their inspiration, sometimes it was the bare minimum they needed - food was a distraction from their work.